Keeping Her kh-1 Page 3
He parked the truck in a garage next to three other vehicles and as many more empty stalls, one which the jeep currently pulled into. He came over to her side before she could take the leap necessary to get out and pulled her back into his arms. “Maybe the day after,” he said, carrying her over to the door and out of the garage. He shifted her to enter yet another code at this door and walked through with Mac right behind.
“I’ll check,” Mac said, which meant nothing to Clytie, but had Demon nodding and heading in another direction. She would have liked to explore, but besides noticing all the walls were white and all the furniture dark, leather and oversized, she didn’t register much.
“I can walk, you know,” Clytie said, her arms soft around his neck, but she secretly liked how small and feminine he made her feel.
“For now,” he said with wicked intent, and Clytie was reminded why she was here. Oh yeah, sex.
When they reached Demon’s bedroom, Clytie noticed two things—White walls and big furniture. Including a bed that dwarfed any she’d ever seen. The room was the size of her entire loft; otherwise, the bed never would have fit. The headboard, a solid piece of dark, rustic wood had brambles and flowers carved throughout. The bed made the artist in her sigh in appreciation before coherent thought went out the window because Demon was kissing her. Kissing Demon and forming thought were mutually exclusive activities.
Ben joined Mac in the control room where he checked over security.
“Here’s her driver’s license,” he said, throwing the I.D. on the table. “Car registration matches.”
“Good, but lets not make any mistakes,” Mac said, going over the data for the last few hours. “Go ahead and do a full check. In fact, have Eli do one too. Family as well. You got her cell phone?”
“Yeah, from her purse. There’s a few messages. Sister, a couple young kids, cousin. Most are old; she never erases anything as far as I can tell. Her friend Meg sounds interesting. She thinks Clytie is too picky and takes sex too seriously. Searching for mister right when should be on the hunt for mister right now, yada yada.”
“She does sound interesting,” Mac said, finishing his security sweep and starting the background himself. Ben got on the phone and called Eli. Within an hour, they would have a full dossier on Clytie Persephone Jones. Her life would be an open book. Mac listened with half an ear as he began his own check. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he listened to Ben’s side of the conversation.
“Hey Eli, I need a full check ASAP … Female … Not mine this time …
Demon … Yeah, that’s what I said … No, now. Priority one … He brought her home … Yeah well, things they are a-changin’.” Ben’s voice was flippant, but they both knew how true the statement was. How much of a change, they would both have to wait and see. But they did not take chances. That’s why they were still alive.
Chapter Three
Clytie groaned, her legs were once again wrapped around Demon only this time without the pants. She had no idea when her jeans had come off, though she did vaguely remember a boot sailing across the room and knocking over a lamp. Everything else leading up to being pressed up against Demon in only her red satin bra and panties was a blur. The man could win a gold medal in the kissing Olympics.
When he left her swollen lips, they were humming. In fact, every part of her seemed to be buzzing in some exciting way. Her skin thrummed. Her breasts pulsed and her pussy wept. There wasn’t a place on her body not calling for his touch.
“Demon?” The word came out on a groan when he buried his face in her cleavage. “I need to touch you.”
“Absofuckinlutely.” He groaned, trying to get the covering off her breasts with his teeth because his hands were busy cupped up under her panties on her ass.
“You have too many clothes on.” She said insistently, trying without success to rip his shirt off. What was it made of, Teflon?
He pulled up taking in his own fully clothed state. It seemed to occur to him after a minute what getting naked would require.
Clytie giggled. “Ah pillow talk, you sweet talker you.”
Demon rumbled out a laugh before chucking her up in the air. She screeched before hitting the giant bed with a whoosh. Clytie glared, but he was stripping so she let it go. Unfortunately, he moved so fast she barely got more than a peek before he was on the bed distracting her again. His hand wrapped around her thigh and yanked her up against him. He leaned over her, boxing her in.
“Now who has too many clothes on?” He didn’t even bother unhooking her, just ripped her bra right off, and chucked the offending scrap or material across the room. He froze his eyes on her bared breasts. He stared so long and with such intensity, Clytie became self-conscious. She didn’t have the best body image with clothes on, let alone naked, but when she started to put her hands over her breasts, he growled and snapped his teeth.
She laughed, it was either laugh or run screaming from the room, but she kept her hands at her side and let him look. Just when she figured, she’d been more than patient his head fell to her breasts and his mouth took possession of one tight pink bud. Clytie almost shot off the bed. He held her down with one hand on her stomach while he licked and sucked at her right nipple. He switched, moving over until he reached the other breast. Each touch on her nipples, each suck seemed to draw directly from the nerves in her neglected pussy. It made her aware of his hand so close to the sweet spot as he caressed soothing circles on her navel.
“Demon.” She groaned not quite up to full sentences. “Please.” She arched her hips up, searching for some kind of pressure where she needed it most. She tried squeezing her thighs together, and only made the need worse. Her hands went to his hair, pulling at his scalp in her need. “Please.”
He finally seemed to get the message because his hand left her belly. He cupped her pussy, groaning against her breast when he touched the wet curls through the satin of her panties. She wriggled to get closer and his hand slipped lower taking the panties down her hips and off. He slipped his fingers between the saturated folds searching for the hidden wet heat. She arched up; wriggling to get closer and he slipped a finger inside. When he felt the walls of her pussy fight the thrust of one lonely digit, he almost wept real tears. Whether it was frustration or joy, even he couldn’t say. He found her clit with his thumb, uncovering its hiding place he circled and played while he suckled her sweet nipples to hard points.
Clytie wondered if it was possible to die from need. If so, Demon was going to kill her with slow pleasure. She was right on the edge of her first orgasm, she knew it, she needed it, she just couldn’t get it. Demon stopped, his hand ceasing all movement as he pulled away. Clytie was ready to tear her own hair out until Demon yanked her higher up the bed. Her knees were over his shoulder and his tongue in her pussy before she could even lay one curse on his head. She was so wound up from the fine work he had done with his hand that one abrasive lick to her clit sent her over the edge. She screamed his name, and when he finger fucked her to another orgasm, she screamed it again.
“Again.” He growled, pulling back to watch her face as he used two fingers, stretching her impossibly. “Scream for me again baby.”
She panted, her hips arching, her hair a sweaty tangle behind her. He had never seen anything so beautiful.
“Don’t. Call. Me. Baby.” She said between sucking in deep gulps of air. His teeth found her shoulder and bit down just hard enough to break skin. She gasped trying to pull away. He thrust his fingers harder and further. Her back arched like a bow and she moaned.
“What was that Baby?” He demanded roughly, clearly not liking the order.
“I said…” she began, moaning louder when his thumb found her clit and began to play again. “Forget it, call me whatever you want.”
She screamed as she came again, by the time she found her way back to the world Demon was right above her, his weight on the knees betwee
n her thighs and both of her hands captured above her head in one of his. The other he used to direct his cock into position. He had the head in while she still pulsed from the last orgasm. He moved both hands to either side of her shoulders and looked down with total brutal possession stamped across his face. And Clytie burned.
“That’s right baby. Feel me coming? This sweet pussy is mine.” He said, pushing past her entrance slowly. The wet heat sucked him in while the tight walls tried to bar his way. “No one else can make you feel this way. No one but me. Say it baby.” She could feel every muscle in his body shaking with tension but he kept up the same slow steady pressure. “No one else baby. Say it.”
“No one else.” She moaned without thinking.
“That’s it.” He pushed in farther. Her slick heat gave up another inch. “This is mine.”
As slow as he was moving, she was still stretched to the point of discomfort.
Then it was pain and she hissed. He stopped.
“Okay. Ouch.” Clytie tried to shift back but there was nowhere to go with Demon pressing in above her.
“Relax baby, almost in and it will be so good.” He kissed her lips, her eyes, the tears she wasn’t aware of.
“You’re not going to fit.” She said around big gulping breaths.
“I will. This is what we’re made for.”
“Then get on with it!” She practically yelled it in his face the tension she was holding back finally too much.
With one hard thrust, he got on with it. Clytie screamed, and had to wonder why anybody ever had sex twice.
Demon was fully seated, his balls bumping up against her ass. He kissed away her tears and found her lips, the angle of her jaw, little soothing kisses while she adjusted to his girth.
She began to relax under him an inch at a time.
Demon waited patiently the whole time, every blood vessel in his body looked ready to pop and his jaw clenched hard enough to break stone but he held still. A torturous hundred years passed before she could finally move without the overwhelming pain. Demon caught it after her second shift beneath him. He wasted no time pulling part way out and grinding back in. He adjusted with each thrust until he hit the right spot and she gasped.
“O.K.” She said her eyes opening very wide. “That felt… Interesting.”
“Oh baby, you have no idea.” He pulled out further and sank back in hitting her G spot with every thrust. Her legs wrapped around his hips and she squeezed her pussy trying to suck him in further. He pumped again, the friction just right.
The deeper he thrust the deeper she wanted him. Clytie flung her head back as he moved in and out. The longer he did the higher she climbed until she mindlessly writhed beneath him, meeting thrust for thrust.
“Harder.” She gasped out. Demon. Harder.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
She grabbed him by his hair pulling his face down to hers. “Fuck Me Harder!”
He lost control, pounding into her repeatedly. He pounded so hard she couldn’t keep her place on the bed, sliding back further with every thrust until she had to brace her hands against the headboard. Demon hit headfirst then with a curse dragged her back down the bed clamping down on her shoulders to hold her in place and rolling his hips.
“There,” she shouted out. “Right there. Don’t stop.” He had her right on the edge and with one more hard thrust and twist; she came, yelling his name at the top of her lungs.
Her inner muscles contracted, milking him and he lost control, coming as he had never cum in his life. He let out a roar, his seed shooting deep into her hot core. Never in his life had he experienced anything close to what she did to him. By the time they had both crested he felt milked dry. He lay, still inside her and tried to get his breath and brain back, he had barely enough thought left to hold some of his weight up on his elbows so he didn’t crush her.
He wanted to stay. With every other woman now would be the leaving part of the evening. His life did not engender trust. Sleeping next to anyone was a chance he didn’t take. But Clytie was different. He pressed his lips to hers because he could. He kissed her again because it felt so good. Eyes closed, she kissed him back. They held on to each other, lips melding over and over as the tremors passed.
“They were right.” Clytie said sometime later, letting out a little laugh, “You are really big.”
He nuzzled into her neck content to be cocooned with her. “Just proportionate to my size.” He said nibbling on her ear. He found a mark he had left on her shoulder and licked with a satisfied rumble.
“A few of the guys from my squad are almost as wide and some are even longer and I have a good foot in height and fifty pounds on them.”
Clytie started to laugh. A full belly laugh had him shifting and cursing above her.
“Yo-oou mea-s-ured?” She was laughing so hard only some of her words were coherent. “Di—d you ac-t ly pull out – ruler?”
He looked so put out she laughed harder.
“It wasn’t like that. You just notice things…” He growled, if he could have reached from this position he would have paddled her ass.
She hugged him, her arms around his neck. She squeezed him tight as she continued to laugh at his belligerence. The laughing jiggled her breasts nicely against his chest and it was suddenly not so bad that she laughed at him. She was hugging him tight. He could live with that.
“This time I’m going to go slow, like I promised Baby.”
That stopped the giggles. Clytie was so not ready for a repeat performance, a shower maybe. She cleared her throat wondering how to extract herself without flashing everything.
“Hey De…” The brand of his lips on hers distracted her while he built the heat again. His body moved across the length of hers, his wonderful big hands took possession, one on her breast, and the other curved around her butt to bring her up solid against his massive erection. His mouth trailed to her neck, biting soft over her pulse point as her body once again became his playground. “I thought guys needed time after…”
He bit at her breast. She arched at the stinging pleasure. She pushed her hands into his hair to hold him. She rocked under him, loving the feel of his hard thighs against the inside of hers as she shifted. “I guess not.” This time Demon made it a point to run his lips over every inch of her before he took her to another screaming orgasm.
Unsure whether Clytie had passed out from pleasure or exhaustion, he figured he could give her some time before he was inside her again. Not a long time, but a few minutes certainly. He dozed holding her close against his heart.
When he awoke, the sun had set leaving the room dark around them. Demon knew even as he pushed into Clyties moist heat that he should let her sleep. But her scent mingled with his and the touch of her, skin to skin, made waiting impossible. Clytie woke up with Demon already shuttling deep inside her. He took her, then again. His dick never seemed to get enough, not going down for more than a few minutes all night. At one point, he flipped her over to her stomach. As soon as her eyelids fluttered open, he took her from behind, his teeth clamping down on her shoulder as she splintered apart in his arms.
If he had asked she would have said she was too sore to continue the fuck marathon, but he never asked, just took her again and again. Unclear when she slept or if, Clytie was amazed he kept pulling orgasms out of her at will when she was sure she couldn’t possibly have another one. Even exhaustion and soreness didn’t stop her from screaming out her pleasure whenever he wanted her to. The man was a sex machine.
Sometime later Clytie was lying boneless and completely spent across the bed. Demon jumped up with a sprightly pat to her thigh and headed for the bathroom. She listened to the water running, too tired to move. A few minutes later, he came back hauling her up and over his shoulder as she sputtered. He dropped her into a whirlpool tub big enough for a college sorority.
“Too hot.” She gasped out trying to climb the side of the huge tub, but he pushed her b
ack. He climbed in behind her, pulling her up against his chest, her back to his front. His size forced the water higher until she was submerged to the shoulders. He palmed one of her breasts, tweaking the nipple until she stopped struggling to get out. She relaxed against him. He grunted his approval and laid his head back. She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew she was being pulled out of the cooling water and stood up in the shower room. She called it a room because it was huge, at least four feet across. The shower comprised of 3 tile walls, sporting strategically placed showerheads. She counted six, including one that pulled away from the wall for a closer wash.
He picked up the soap and growled when she tried to take it away.
“You may be letting this growling thing get away from you.” She said mildly but let him have his way.
Having Demon wash her was an experience. Since he started at her shoulders and wouldn’t let her move anyway she had the chance to look over the bathroom. White tile, white cabinets, white towels.
“Like white do you?”
“Easy. Clean. Bright.” He grunted out, his attention on what he was doing, which meant soaping every inch of her quite thoroughly.
“The toilet?”
“Door to the right of the sinks.”
Having reached her breasts, he became absorbed with the insatiable need to get them clean. A man on a mission, she left him to it.
She had managed to ignore the way Demon pinched and played with her nipples, but when he gave the same thorough cleaning to her nether curls and beyond her eyes rolled back in her head until a sharp tug of pain distracted her. She flinched against his finger and he backed off, patting her curls and making sympathetic little clicks. It made her laugh, imagining him making little cooing sounds to her pussy while he petted it.
“What’s so funny?” He asked as he knelt down to wash her legs and feet, coming around behind he washed her butt (this with groans and squeezes).